
Our Church is a paradox, and a mystery—

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and that’s what Church is supposed to be..

Who We Are

We are an esoteric contemplative Christian community built upon the sensibilities of early Christian theological diversity and “desert father monasticism.” Having established a non-dogmatic approach toward Christian doctrine, our tradition maintains a continued respect for all spiritualities and religions. We preserve the Catholic mysteries contained within the seven sacraments of the Church through the integration of the twenty-one lines of apostolic succession held by our autocephalous Patriarch and Presiding Bishop, Patriarch Nicholas III in mundo +Bryan D. Ouellette, Ph.D., SOSM.

Ours is an unconventional, true monastic Church, preserving the spirit of Roman Catholicism by operating behind the inner-most cloister of the tabernacle of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Episcopal Seal of Bishop Bryan D. Ouellette, Ph.D., SOSM

Copyright Holy Nicholean Catholic Church, Inc. ©2015-2024